Jack Skellington Cupcakes for a Party Delight

Disney shared us this recipe and it looks like a perfect addition to any Halloween party. Christmas did not turn out to be Jack Skellington’s forté. Still, with a bow tie that resembles a bat and a pet dog whose nose looks like a glowing Jack-o’-lantern, Jack remains king of Halloween. After all, who else do you know that can remove his own head and put it back on again none the worse for wear? Inspired by this remarkable trick, these cupcakes make a sweet, if nightmarish, Halloween treat. To get started make sure you pick up the following: Batch of chocolate cupcakes White buttercream frosting 2 toothpicks Tube of black decorator’s icing Instructions: Frost the cupcakes. For each cupcake, use the tip of a toothpick to lightly etch the outline of two large Jack Skellington eyes in the frosting. Slowly pipe black decorator’s icing onto the etched lines and then fill in the inner circles. Use another toothpick to spread and smooth the icing. Pipe on two short lines for a nose. Next, pipe a long line across the bottom of the cupcake for the mouth. For the finishing spooky touch, randomly top the mouth with a bunch of short icing barbs.